viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

Clinton admits she may have 'short circuited' answers on email controversy


Washington -- Hillary Clinton on Friday doubled down on recent misleading statements about her use of a private email server at the State Department, even as she acknowledged that she "may have short-circuited" her answers about it.

At a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists in Washington, D.C., Clinton -- who has come under fire for not often taking media questions -- was asked about her recent assertion that FBI Director James Comey had said she was "truthful" to the public in discussing the issue, a claim that a number of media outlets, including CNN, have debunked.

"I was pointing out in both of those instances, that Director Comey had said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful. That really is the bottom line here," she said. "What I told the FBI, which he said was truthful, is consistent with what I have said publicly. I may have short-circuited and for that I will try to clarify."

Clinton went on to repeat that she "never sent or received" classified information on her private email server -- a statement that is inconsistent with Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill.
"And I would go back to where I started, I regret using one account, I have taken responsibility for that," Clinton said.

The email controversy has continued to dog Clinton's presidential campaign, particularly as she suffers from the widespread perception among voters that she isn't honest or trustworthy.
Clinton on Friday also called on journalists hold Donald Trump accountable, saying reporters "have a special responsibility to our democracy at a time like this." She warned about her opponent: "He's harkening back to the most shameful chapters of our history and appealing to the ugliest impulses of our society ... He retweets white nationalists."
Clinton also addressed the problematic ways in which Trump has treated reporters, saying it is a "badge of honor" when journalists are kicked out of his press conferences or banned from attending his rallies.

"America is better than Donald Trump," she said. "We need to stand up and say that Donald Trump doesn't represent who we are and what we believe."
At the core of Clinton's brief opening remarks at Friday's conference was the economic progress made under President Barack Obama's two terms in the White House. Clinton said Friday that the country was "out of the ditch."

"I believe President Obama does not get the credit that he deserves for leading us out of the Great Recession," Clinton said. "We are out of the ditch that we were in and now we've got to do even more. We've got to build on the progress that we've made.
The Democratic nominee for president noted minorities were especially hurt by the financial crisis.
"It's been said that when the economy catches a cold, communities of color get pneumonia," she said. "The great recession hit our whole country hard but the toll was especially difficult for black and Latino families."

Clinton's comments came hours after the U.S. government announced that the economy added 255,000 jobs in July -- surpassing economists' expectations -- while the unemployment rate stayed at 4.9%.

Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine, have been traveling the country to discuss their jobs agenda, including a three-day bus tour across the Rust Belt following the Democratic National Convention.

To counter the stronger-than-expected jobs report, Republican nominee Donald Trump released a statement Friday morning saying the country is "in the middle of the single worst 'recovery' since the Great Depression"

"The economy the media and the Clinton Machine is describing is an economy that doesn't exist for most Americans," Trump said. "It's an economy enjoyed by her donors and special interests, and one suffered through every day by millions of Americans."

Looming over Clinton's appearance in front of a ballroom full of journalists in Washington, D.C., was her relative lack of interactions with reporters.

Clinton has emerged one of the least accessible candidates to run for president this year, rarely taking question from her traveling press corps.

Clinton last held a formal press conference on December 4, 2015, in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Since then she had held 11 "gaggles" -- or informal press conferences -- taking questions from a few members of her traveling press corps. The last such huddle was on July 31 in Ashland, Ohio.

Rather than have frequent contact with reporters, Clinton's campaign has opted for sit-down interviews -- a setting that her aides believe she is more comfortable in.

Brian Fallon, her national press secretary, has routinely said that Clinton "oftentimes" will end the day with a media availability where she will "literally stand there for 15, 20 minutes and answer questions from her traveling press corps, including the embeds from the various networks."

But Clinton has not once taken questions for 15 to 20 minutes in 2016. The growing frustration among reporters and the criticism about the lack of accessibility has irked some Clinton's campaign officials.

"We'll have a press conference when we want to have a press conference," Joel Benenson, Clinton's chief strategist, said last month.

As Clinton took questions from reporters on Friday, Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe quipped: "We encourage you to do this more often."

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

China's elevated bus: Futuristic 'straddling bus' hits the road

elevated bus

It may look like something from the future, but China's long-awaited "straddling bus" ran its inaugural test in Hebei province this week.

The 2m-high Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) straddles the cars below, allowing them to pass through.

Powered by electricity, the bus is able to carry up to 300 passengers in its 72ft (21m) long and 25ft wide body.

A video of a mini-model of the vehicle caused great excitement when it was released in May.

there's enough space

replace conventional buses

The trial run was conducted on a 300m-long controlled track in the north-eastern city of Qinhuangdao.

The vehicle is expected to reach speeds of up to 60km per hour, running on rails laid along ordinary roads. Up to four TEBs can be linked together.

"The biggest advantage is that the bus will save lots of road space," the project's chief engineer, Song Youzhou, told state-media agency Xinhua earlier this year.

"The TEB has the same functions as the subway, while its cost of construction is less than one fifth of the subway," another engineer Bai Zhiming told news outlet CCTV.

One TEB could replace 40 conventional buses, according to the firm. However, it is unclear when the vehicle will be widely used in Chinese cities.


It is not a new idea, but it was not seriously considered until a mini-model of it was launched at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo in May.

A month later, developers announced that the TEB would be ready for a test-run in August.
Thousands took to micro-blogging site Weibo to express their amazement and incredulity.

"I saw images of this not long ago and now it's actually happening?" asked one user. "This is truly build at 'Chinese speed'".

"I swear I just saw ideas of this in pictures. Now it's appeared in real life," said another.

martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

Juegos Olimpicos, Rio 2016 necesitara mas del doble de seguridad que en Londres 2012

La seguridad de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016 estará a cargo de 85.000 efectivos de las fuerzas del orden, incluidos 38.000 militares, más que el doble desplegado durante la edición anterior de Londres 2012.

“Es la mayor operación integrada en la historia de nuestro país”, dijo este jueves el secretario del ministerio de Justicia para Grandes Eventos, Andrei Passos Rodrigues.

En Londres 2012, 40.000 personas, entre ellas 18.000 militares, se movilizaron para garantizar la seguridad.

Para elaborar este plan, las autoridades brasileñas se valieron de la experiencia de otros megaeventos, como la cumbre ambiental de la ONU Rio+20 en 2012, que reunió a representantes de 191 países por 10 días; la visita del papa Francisco y tres millones de feligreses en la playa de Copacabana un año después; y los partidos, incluidas las finales, de la Copa Confederaciones-2013 y el Mundial-2014.

“Como todas las competencias pasan en la misma ciudad, tendremos una acción muy intensa de torneos y de seguridad para garantizar la paz”, añadió Rodrigues.

Las autoridades ven los Juegos como un Mundial multiplicado por 42, el número de disciplinas que se disputarán entre el 5 y 21 de agosto de 2016 a lo largo y ancho de la ‘Cidade Maravilhosa’.

- Custodia interna -

Sólo en Rio de Janeiro trabajarán durante los Juegos Olímpicos (5 al 21 de agosto 2016) 47.500 efectivos, entre policías, guardias municipales, bomberos y efectivos de la guardia nacional, un cuerpo de élite que depende del ministerio de Justicia y que aglutina policías de otros estados del país.

Los 38.000 militares -un número que podría aumentar- en principio no patrullarán las calles, pero reforzarán la seguridad en Rio y en las otras cinco ciudades que recibirán partidos de fútbol: Sao Paulo (sudeste), Brasilia (centro-oeste), Belo Horizonte (sudeste), Salvador (noreste) y Manaos (norte).

La seguridad interna de los lugares de competencia estará a cargo de efectivos de la guardia nacional, no armados, y funcionarios del sistema penitenciario trabajarán en puntos como detector de metales y requisas en los accesos.

Las operaciones de seguridad serán también puestas en marcha durante los más de 40 eventos test que se realizan desde este mes hasta mayo de 2016.

El gobierno federal tiene previsto invertir al menos 930 millones de reales (280 millones de dólares) para la seguridad del evento.

- Cooperación externa -

Rio de Janeiro tuvo una caída en sus cifras de homicidios en el primer semestre, producto de su política de ocupación militar y policial de cientos de favelas que eran controladas por el narcotráfico.

Un promedio de 3,4 personas fueron asesinadas cada día en el primer semestre del año en la ciudad de Rio, según cifras del gobierno estatal. Cada día al menos 112 personas fueron asaltadas en las calles de la capital.

Pero las muertes violentas son muchas más si se incluyen las víctimas de balas perdidas o de homicidios no premeditados.

En los últimos meses una serie de ataques con puñal en barrios turísticos y el asesinato de un usuario en una estación de metro en el centro de Rio, encendieron las alarmas.

Pero el gobierno de Rio dijo que esos eran casos aislados.

Las autoridades prestan igualmente atención a cualquier amenaza terrorista y ataque cibernético. Como el país nunca fue blanco de grupos extremistas, la agencia de inteligencia (ABIN), junto al Ejército y la policía federal, elaboran protocolos para diversos escenarios y reciben cooperación de más de 90 países que encaran situaciones de ese tipo con mayor frecuencia.

“Hasta el momento nada [de amenazas] fue levantado. Estamos alertas”, indicó Saulo Moura, de la ABIN.